About Me/Contact Info

Coming from a family of very imaginative story tellers, I grew up hearing tall tales that were truly stranger than fiction. At a very early age I was able to discern the power of storytelling as an agent of transportation and quickly found myself in wonderment when I experienced animation. These characters and places that I was seeing on the screen quickly became a part of my life. I acted like them, played with them as toys and brought them to life in my head. I truly believe that magic exists through animation. Animators can wave a wand and bring to life characters with personalities and heart.  As a lighter, can I be that sexy assistant that hides the sleight of hand from the audiences? If so, I will have completed my job to the best of my ability. I will have done what I was put on this world to do: ENTERTAIN.

The best way to get a hold of me is through carrier pigeon or smoke signal. But I also have a rotary phone and a telegraph as well (Warning: my Morse code is in medieval Saracen).

Phone #: 303-803-2123 
Email: Michael.launder@ucdenver.edu or Mtlaunder@aol.com